Letter from the President – Oct 2019

Aleisha Swartz, DVM

Dear Friends,

I hope to see each of you soon at our annual conference at the Hilton Waikiki Beach on November 7-10, 2019. We are fortunate to host AVMA President John Howe and District 10 representative George Bishop at the conference this year. Dr. Howe’s areas of focus for his tenure as president are member needs, veterinary technicians and One Health. Please give them a warm welcome if you see them. Even if you are not attending the conference for CE be sure to join us for our annual meeting at noon on Saturday.

Mental health and wellbeing concerns for veterinary professionals have been in the national news recently. Awareness of the increased risk for burnout, substance abuse, depression and suicide ideation in our profession is hopefully a first step toward finding solutions for this crisis. The AVMA has many resources for veterinarians on personal and workplace wellness, and the HVMA has a wellness committee to assist members in need. 

In 1976, Dr. Bill Hettler, co-founder of the National Wellness Institute in the US, developed a model of wellness that included six dimensions of health: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, occupational, and social. Since then others have added three more to create the nine dimensions of wellbeing: financial, creative and environmental. Each dimension is interconnected and collectively contributes to our overall wellbeing, and when one area is lacking, the others and overall wellbeing are affected. I encourage you to follow the links to read and learn more about these areas and take a self-assessment to identify areas where you might focus your self-care.

For this message I want to focus on the social dimension. One stated purpose of the HVMA is to promote the spirit of community among members of the veterinary profession. Our annual conference is a time to get together and catch up on what is happening with one another: the success and challenges of our friends and colleagues we may not see as often as we would like to. It is also a chance to make new friends and welcome new colleagues into our community. Brené Brown, best-selling author and published researcher writes the following in the introduction to her book Daring Greatly: “the surest thing I took away from my BSW, MSW, and Ph.D. in social work is this: Connection is why we’re here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.” This includes connection with colleagues in the workplace. In Dare to Lead she says this about her research: “Daring Leaders must care for and be connected to the people they lead. The data made clear that care and connection are irreducible requirements for wholehearted, productive relationships between leaders and team members.” She defines a leader as “anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.” As veterinarians, we are all leaders and we must strive to build connection in our work and social lives to build resiliency.

I hope you can all take a moment during the next month to talk story and build those connections with one another. By doing this we will be taking a step in the right direction to improve our well-being. Please reach out to a colleague, friend, or professional if you are suffering. We are here to help one another. And if you are interested in learning more so that you can help those at risk, visit the AVMA’s website on Question-Persuade-Refer (QPR) training. There is currently a pilot program that will provide training to learn how to identify and refer colleagues who are at risk.


Aleisha Swartz, DVM
President, Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association

Letter from the President – Aug 2019

Aleisha Swartz, DVM

Dear Colleagues,

Registration is now open for our 66th Annual Conference, which will be held November 7-10, 2019 at the Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel. We are again offering RACE-approved CE with a great speaker and subject lineup including, dentistry, infectious disease, internal medicine, soft tissue surgery and more. We will also be offering a daylong equine track on Friday Nov 8th for the large animal practitioners. Register early and save.

The annual meeting for HVMA members will be Saturday, November 9 and all members are welcome and encouraged to join us even if you cannot attend the entire meeting. And this year’s cocktail hour and social on Saturday evening will be another great time for all, don’t miss it.

Another thing the HVMA board has been involved with is updating our agreement with Hi-EMA to provide support to those in need in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency. Did you know we participate at the state level as advisors on animal-related emergency sheltering? If you are interested in being involved with disaster assistance and planning, please fill out a quick survey or email us. Even if you are not able to volunteer, prepare yourself, your family and practice in case of a natural disaster. The AVMA has a disaster resource page with many great resources https://www.avma.org/KB/Resources/Reference/disaster/Pages/disaster-aid-veterinarians.aspx.

Finally, be sure to visit our classifieds if you are looking to advertise your services as a relief veterinarian or are in need of a veterinarian or other staff member. This is a fantastic resource available for members!


Aleisha Swartz, DVM
President, Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association

Message from the President Apr 2019

Aloha HVMA members,

The 30th annual Pet Expo is coming up on May 11 and 12, 2019 at the Neil S. Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall. This year’s theme is More than a Pet, More than a Friend … Family. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to assist with this large event. Volunteers are needed to put on this HVMA sponsored event; please click here to sign up for a shift.

The conference committee is hard at work planning this year’s annual conference on November 7-10, 2019. We have a great lineup of speakers on topics you requested, including dentistry, cardiology, internal medicine, soft tissue surgery, canine rehabilitation and more. Registration will open in July so keep an eye out for early registration. If you would like to assist with conference planning we would love your help! Please email contact@hawaiivetmed.org to find out how to assist.

Did you know that the HVMA supports students in the veterinary field through scholarships? HVMA funds scholarships for pre-vet students at the University of Hawaii, veterinary students at Colorado State University and Washington State University, and veterinary technician students at Windward Community College.

Thank you for renewing your membership which helps us continue our efforts such as Pet Expo, the annual conference, and more.

On behalf of your board,

Aleisha Swartz, DVM

Message from the President Jan 2019

Aloha HVMA members,

January is a time to reflect back on the accomplishments of the past and look forward to the goals of the future. Thanks to the hard work of the conference committee we had another highly successful annual meeting in November with internationally recognized speakers in internal medicine, exotics, dentistry, Fear Free practice, disaster planning and more. We are already beginning to plan for next year’s event so please let us know if there are any speakers or topics you would like to see in the future. At our annual meeting we elected new officers to the board and also updated our by-laws. More information on these can be found on the Member Resources page of our website.

As we move into 2019 we look forward to serving members and the community in many ways including disaster planning with HI-EMA, legislative advocacy, keeping you informed on topics of importance to veterinary medicine in addition to opportunities to participate in community outreach. Our website’s About us page has been updated with our purposes as stated in our charter with the state. Please take a moment to read about who we are.

Membership renewal season has begun and we encourage you to renew early. Please see here for all the benefits of membership.

Finally, we want to share our gratitude to Eric Ako for his many years of service to the HVMA as the Executive Vice President. Please be sure to thank him when you see him, as this organization would not be where it is today without his tireless efforts. We are very fortunate that Jill Yoshicedo has agreed to take the reins as EVP, and know she will continue to add value to your membership and advocate on behalf of veterinarians in Hawaii. We also say aloha to Cordell Chang after many years of service as the HVMA representative to the AVMA.

Save the date for the 66th Annual Conference: November 7-10, 2019!

Aloha on behalf of the HVMA board,

Aleisha Swartz

Message from the President Vol 3, 2018

Aloha HVMA Members!

We are excited to announce registration is open for our 65th Annual HVMA Conference, which will be held from November 8-11, 2018 at the Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel. This year we are offering RACE-approved CE (up to 30 credits for vets and 16 credits for vet techs) and bringing in world-renowned speakers covering a variety of topics including Fear Free experts Marty Becker and Gary Landsberg, emergency medicine specialist Tim Hackett, exotics specialist Joerg Mayer, and disaster medicine expert Debra Zoran.

Our wet lab offerings include four different orthopedic labs by Brian Beale and Don Hulse, advanced dental extraction labs by Kevin Stepaniuk, and a cat behavior lab by Karen Sueda. Please see our complete conference schedule at: https://hawaiivetmed.org/2018conference/schedule/.

During our conference we will hold our annual HVMA business meeting on Saturday November 10 at 12:15pm. You do not need to be a conference attendee to come to the business meeting. During the meeting, we will be voting on the 2018-2020 officer positions as well as a few proposed bylaw changes. If you are interested in putting your name on the ballot, please email us.

Also on Saturday November 10 from 6-8pm we will be hosting our annual social cocktail party and sharing some Hawaiian paniolo culture with our Japanese and international guests. Tickets to this event are $60 or complimentary with conference registration.

Register online for early bird pricing by September 15th. Remember to log in to your HVMA online account to register at the reduced member rates. If you have forgotten to renew your membership for 2018, it’s not too late!

Thank you to those who generously volunteered their time and energy toward making the 2018 Pet Expo another success. We are always looking for volunteers for the conference and other HVMA activities. Please send your ideas, feedback, and questions to contact@hawaiivetmed.org.

Jill Yoshicedo, DVM
President, Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association

Message from the President Vol 2, 2018

May 2018

Dear Colleagues,

Our annual Hawaii Pet Expo will be held this weekend on May 12-13th. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to help put on this popular event. We expect over 10,000 attendees and can still use your help! If you have a couple free hours this weekend to stop by and support our public outreach at the Pet Expo, please sign up here.

The HVMA booth theme is “Year of the Dog”, and we are looking for more veterinarians and veterinary assistants to guide visitors through the booth and answer questions at the “Ask-a-Vet” section. Other volunteer posts include entrance greeters, Food Bank donation collectors, poop patrollers, and helpers at our Keiki Make ‘n Take craft booth.

We are also gearing up for HVMA’s 65th annual meeting to be held November 8-11th at the Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel. Speakers include Fear Free advocates Marty Becker and Gary Landsberg, ECC specialist Tim Hackett, exotics specialist Joerg Mayer, and internal medicine specialist Debra Zoran. We will also have laboratory sections on orthopedics by Beale and Hulse, dentistry by Kevin Stepaniuk, and cat behavior by Karen Sueda. Information on our conference will be posted here, with registration opening up this summer. We hope you will join us.

Would you like to write an article or draw a comic for our quarterly newsletter? Can you write up a visitor’s guide suggesting activities and eateries for our out-of-state conference attendees? Are you interested in serving on the HVMA Board? Do you have any other ideas you would like to help the HVMA implement to better serve our members? These are just a few ways you can get more active with us! Please contact me at contact@hawaiivetmed.org if you want to get involved or have an idea to share. Open board positions are listed here, or you can directly contact Leilani Sim-Godbehere, head of the Nominations Committee, for more info.

Thank you for your membership renewal in 2018. Please remember to sign up for your online account at https://hawaiivetmed.org/newaccount. You will need an individual online account to register for the annual conference at the reduced membership rate. We are happy to help you with this process, so please contact us if you have any difficulties.


Jill Yoshicedo, DVM
President, Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association

Happy New Year 2018

Aloha HVMA Members,

Hau’oli makahiki hou! We are glad you are a part of our veterinary community here in Hawaii. Membership registration is open, so please renew your membership at https://hawaiivetmed.org/membership/

Your HVMA membership allows us to help support you in your professional life. We seek to keep you informed on current events and provide legislative advocacy on issues pertinent to veterinarians in Hawaii. We provide members-only online content including classified ads, job postings, relief vet listings, and an online directory of member clinics. At our annual local conference, we bring in top-notch speakers and offer discounted registration to all current members. Through our organization, you will find networking, volunteer, and leadership opportunities.

Please let any of your new colleagues know that 2017 DVM graduates qualify for reduced membership dues ($50) in 2018, and 2018 DVM graduates receive complimentary HVMA membership in 2018. You do not need to be an AVMA member to be apply for HVMA membership, and if anyone needs help finding sponsors, just contact us. Please also notify us if you have reached the golden age of 65 and have 20+ years paid dues to qualify for Life Member status (membership dues waived).

We enjoyed seeing so many of you at our conference this past October, and hope to see many more at our 65th Annual Conference from November 8-11, 2018. Save the date!

As we continue to work to make the HVMA more accessible and relevant to its membership, please bear with us through the changes as we move to digital communications, and send us any feedback, suggestions, or interest in volunteering at contact@hawaiivetmed.org.

With warm aloha on behalf of your HVMA Board,

Jill Yoshicedo, DVM


Message from the President Vol 2, 2017

Aloha HVMA Members,

Pet Expo is right around the corner! Thousands of local families and their pets attend this annual event at the Blasidell Center on Mother’s Day weekend. As always, we need your help in representing the veterinary care component of responsible pet ownership. You and your support staff can make a difference in educating the public on the value and benefits of professional veterinary care. The HVMA will be hosting a booth on Common Household Dangers as well as a Kiddie Craft area. Please contact Dr. Lissa Kam at 845-1762 for more information or to sign up to help.
We are still looking for volunteers to help with our Membership outreach, Newsletter production, Website updates and Conference planning. Please contact us at contact@hawaiivetmed.org if you would like to get involved.
On the national level, the American Veterinary Medical Association is also looking for volunteers for their committees including Animal Welfare, Food Safety Advisory, and Disaster and Emergency Issues. For a full list of positions and details on applying, please check out https://www.avma.org/Members/Volunteer/BecomeAVolunteer/Pages/Committee-Trust-Liaison-Positions-Available-April-2017.aspx.
Thanks to each of you for your hard work contributing to and bettering our communities. If you would like to highlight an opportunity or event you’re involved with, please email newsletter@hawaiivetmed.org. We are here to support and advocate for you!

On behalf of your HVMA Board,

Jill Yoshicedo, DVM

No Title

Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for choosing to be a part of the Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association. You are a valuable member of our veterinary community here in Hawaii, and we welcome you to be active with us! As a non-profit organization, the HVMA serves as our local veterinarians’ public face and collective voice.

This year we will seek to improve the accessibility of the HVMA to its members in various ways. Our website has undergone tremendous upgrades and continues as a work in progress in providing services such as an online public membership directory, as well as job postings and relief vet listings for members. Our transition to electronic communication continues with improved online membership registration and our first e-newsletter!

We have many areas that members can volunteer to contribute to, such as with Membership outreach, Public Relations, Newsletter production, Legislative action, and Website updates. All of our current progress has come about from members seeing areas of need in our organization, and stepping up to offer their services. We are so grateful for every cog in our wheel, and we welcome any input or help you can offer to improve our HVMA.

If you are interested in getting involved and would like more information, let us know! You can email us at contact@hawaiivetmed.org, indicate your interest when you complete your membership registration online, or find a board member to speak with directly.

Wishing you good health, growth, and abundant aloha in 2017!

On behalf of your HVMA Board,

Jill Yoshicedo, DVM