2024 Annual Business Meeting Notice

Our HVMA Hui annual business meeting will be held on Saturday Nov 9, 2024 at 12pm at the Hawaii Convention Center. Conference registration is not required to attend the meeting. 

We will be voting on several bylaws changes, detailed below:

1. ARTICLE III, Section 2a.

Location – Each county shall be entitled to a Representative on the Executive Board in accordance with the number of Active Members within that County using the following formula:
1-25 Active Members-One Representative
26-50 Active Members-Two Representatives
51-75 Active Members-Three Representatives
Up to a maximum of four Representatives per County.

Proposed Amendment:
Location – Each county shall be entitled to representation on the Executive Board in accordance with the number of Active Members within that County using the following formula:
1-50 Active Members – Up to two representatives
51-75 Active Members – Up to three representatives
Over 75 Active Members – Up to four representatives
No more than four Representatives will be allowed per County.

2. Section 2(f): Change “serving in Hawaii by the U.S. Army” to “serving in Hawaii by the U.S. Armed forces”

3. Article II, Section 2(c) Reword/reformat for clarity.

Section 2.  Election
a. All elections shall be conducted by written ballot unless there is only one nominee for an office in which case the Active Members registered and voting may instruct the Secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for the nominee.  
b. To be elected, a nominee must receive a majority of the votes cast.
c. Shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 2. Election
All elections shall be conducted by written or electronic ballot unless there is only one nominee for an office in which case the Active Members registered and voting may instruct the Secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for the nominee. To be elected, a nominee must receive a majority of the votes cast.

4. Article III, Section 3. Reformat for clarity and consistency with remainder of document

The Executive Board shall hold six regular meetings during the period between the Annual Meetings of the Association.  These meetings shall be as follows:
1st – immediately following the Annual Meeting
Meetings 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, to be held every other month after the Annual Meeting, i.e. January, March, May, July, and September.
6th – immediately preceding the Annual Meeting

The Executive Board shall hold six regular meetings during the period between the Annual Meetings of the Association.  These meetings shall be as follows:
a. 1st – within 45 days following the Annual Meeting
b. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th – to be held every other month after the Annual Meeting, e.g. January, March, May, July, and September.
c. 6th – within 45 days preceding the Annual Meeting

5. Article V, Section 4. Notice; Reword for consistency with electronic communication allowed in rest of bylaws.

A written or printed notice stating the place, day, and hour of the annual meeting shall be mailed not less than thirty days before the meeting to each member of the Association.

At least thirty days prior to the meeting, uniform written notice, including electronic communication, shall be transmitted to all current members stating the place, day, and time of the annual meeting.

Additionally, this year we will be holding board position elections for the following positions:

Oahu Delegates
Kauai Delegates
Vice President

If you are interested in serving on the HVMA board or nominating a colleague, please email nominating_committee@hawaiivetmed.org.