Letter from the President – October 2021

Alfred Mina, DVM
HVMA President

Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic the HVMA Executive Board continues to work on improving veterinary services in the islands. Big mahalo to those who continue to support HVMA through these trying times. A lot of this is done through membership dues.

There’s still an increasing need for veterinarians and veterinary support staff here in Hawaii. One of the biggest issues we are currently facing is the shortage of veterinarians and veterinary support staff. Many veterinary services are overwhelmed by the high demand, putting major strain on veterinarians and support staff.

We are asking the community for compassion and patience as we are all doing our best through this difficult time. If you know of any veterinarians or veterinary support staff that are considering relocating to Hawaii feel free to contact the HVMA for support.

Please join us for the HVMA Virtual Hui 2021 – Annual Business Meeting on Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 12:15PM (Hawaii). It will be open to all HVMA members and interested veterinarians.

If you haven’t renewed your membership or joined HVMA yet, please consider doing so here. Also, don’t forget to check in on our online CE provided by HVMA. Please let us know if there’s any specific topics that we can look into for future presentations.

It is still hurricane season, so be prepared and make sure you have a natural disaster kit, including food and medical supplies, for your pets. Please continue to stay safe through 2021 and hope to see you all soon!

Alfred J. Mina, DVM