Hawaii Pet Expo May 12-13, 2018

Volunteers Needed!

The Hawaii Pet Expo is sponsored and organized by the HVMA and will be held from May 12-13th this year. It has been an annual event for over 25 years and is FREE and well received by the public, with an average of 10,000 people attending each year.  The purpose of the Expo is to promote responsible pet ownership and strengthen the bond between people and their pets through educational displays, live animal demonstrations, and the latest in pet services and products.  The HVMA is looking for veterinarians who will promote our profession in a positive manner and educate the public on the need for professional veterinary care. If you are willing to volunteer your time to promote our profession and interact with the public, please sign up!

  • HVMA Booth: Veterinarians will be on site to guide visitors through our booth featuring The Year of the Dog, as well as answer questions from the public.
  • Make and Take (Kiddie Craft) Booth:  Assist kids and their parents with making finger puppets and other paper crafts to take home.  Keep booth clean and organized.
  • Greeters:  Pass out programs and poop bags at the door.  Help to direct traffic in and out of the Exhibition hall.  Smile and welcome people.
  • Information Booth:  Help direct people to exhibits, answer questions, make announcements, store lost and found items, collect food and monetary donations for the Hawaii Food Bank, prep poop bags, run errands, coordinate volunteers, and help clean up pet messes that are reported or seen.
  • Show Marshals:  The “Poop Patrol”.  Patrol Exhibition Hall and grounds outside, picking up pet messes.  Empty overflowing trash and cigarette bins outside hall and transfer to dumpster in back.  The good thing about show marshaling is that you get to walk around the hall and check out all the exhibits, although you are supposed to be working, not shopping during your shift!  We always need a lot of show marshals.

Click here to sign up online.

Saturday and Sunday the shifts are as follows:  9:30-12:00 am, 11:30 to 2:00 pm, and 1:30 to 4:00 pm. Please indicate your t-shirt size (M, L, or XL) at sign up to receive a  Pet Expo t-shirt. Name tags will be provided. Vets are encouraged to wear lab coats or smocks to identify themselves as veterinary professionals.


Volunteers should sign up online or by calling Ohana Vet Hospital at 845-1762. Paper sign up sheets may be faxed to 848-1632.

Happy New Year 2018

Aloha HVMA Members,

Hau’oli makahiki hou! We are glad you are a part of our veterinary community here in Hawaii. Membership registration is open, so please renew your membership at https://hawaiivetmed.org/membership/

Your HVMA membership allows us to help support you in your professional life. We seek to keep you informed on current events and provide legislative advocacy on issues pertinent to veterinarians in Hawaii. We provide members-only online content including classified ads, job postings, relief vet listings, and an online directory of member clinics. At our annual local conference, we bring in top-notch speakers and offer discounted registration to all current members. Through our organization, you will find networking, volunteer, and leadership opportunities.

Please let any of your new colleagues know that 2017 DVM graduates qualify for reduced membership dues ($50) in 2018, and 2018 DVM graduates receive complimentary HVMA membership in 2018. You do not need to be an AVMA member to be apply for HVMA membership, and if anyone needs help finding sponsors, just contact us. Please also notify us if you have reached the golden age of 65 and have 20+ years paid dues to qualify for Life Member status (membership dues waived).

We enjoyed seeing so many of you at our conference this past October, and hope to see many more at our 65th Annual Conference from November 8-11, 2018. Save the date!

As we continue to work to make the HVMA more accessible and relevant to its membership, please bear with us through the changes as we move to digital communications, and send us any feedback, suggestions, or interest in volunteering at contact@hawaiivetmed.org.

With warm aloha on behalf of your HVMA Board,

Jill Yoshicedo, DVM


Participate in Our Membership Survey

Help improve the HVMA to better serve you! We are surveying both current and non-HVMA members. Each survey participant may enter to win our drawing for free HVMA membership in 2018. We will hold the drawing during our Annual Conference Social on Saturday Oct 28th from 6-8:30pm at the Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel. You will not need to be present to win. Take the survey here!

Animal Welfare Symposium

CABI and UC Davis are offering 6 hours of CE credits for a one day animal welfare symposium on June 27, 2017. The symposium will be held at UC Davis, but remote attendance is also possible in webinar form. Topics will focus on the subject of animal behaviour problems and veterinary approaches to dealing with them. Further information available here: http://www.cabi.org/vetmedresource/animals-behaving-badly/

Volunteers Needed for 2017 Hawaii Pet Expo

May 13th-14th at Blaisdell Exhibition Hall, corner of Ward Ave and King Street, Honolulu

Pet Expo is sponsored and organized by the HVMA. It has been an annual event for over 25 years and is FREE, and well received by the public, with an average of 10,000 people attending each year. The purpose of the Expo is to promote responsible pet ownership and strengthen the bond between people and their pets through educational displays, live animal demonstrations, and the latest in pet services and products. The HVMA is looking for veterinarians who will promote our profession in a positive manner and educate the public on the need for professional veterinary care. They are there to promote the HVMA and what we stand for, but can pass out business cards and information if asked for. We would like vets who are willing to volunteer their time to promote our profession and who are willing to interact with the public, to sign up.
1) HVMA Booth: This year we are doing away with the “Ask A Vet” booth, although vets manning the booth will be there to answer any kind of question. The HVMA booth will be similar to last year’s theme: Common Household Dangers.
2) Make and Take (Kiddie Craft ) Booth:  Assist kids and their parents with making finger puppets and other paper crafts, which they get to make and take home.  Keep booth clean and organized.
3) Greeters:  Pass out programs and poop bags at the door.  Help to direct traffic in and out of the Exhibition hall.  Smile and welcome people.  Collect canned goods and monetary donations for the Hawaii Food Bank.
4) Information Booth:  Help direct people to exhibits, answer questions, make announcements, box up food donations, make more poop bags, run errands, clean up pet messes that are reported or seen.
5) Show Marshalls:  The “Poop Patrol”.  Patrol Exhibition Hall and grounds outside, picking up pet messes.  Empty overflowing trash and cigarette bins outside hall and transfer to dumpster in back.  The good thing about show marshaling is that you get to walk around the hall and check out all the exhibits, although you are supposed to be working, not shopping during your shift!  We always need a lot of show marshals.


If volunteers sign up by the deadline, a t-shirt will be ordered for them. Sizes are M, L, and XL; please indicate shirt size when signing up. If you sign up vets are encouraged to wear lab coats or smocks to identify themselves as vet professionals, name tags will be provided. They may also wear the Pet Expo tshirt.
Volunteers are needed for Friday night to help set up. (No AC on Friday night, wear shorts!)
Saturday and Sunday the shifts are as follows: 9:30-12:00 am, 11:30 to 2:00 pm, and 1:30 to 4:00 pm. Only the first shift will be provided a small lunch.
Volunteers should sign up by calling Dr. Kam or staff at Ohana Vet Hospital at 845-1762, or fax at 848-1632.

2016 Member Updates

Welcome new members in 2016: Neal Villanueva, Rajdeep Singh Turna, Hui Nee Chin, Melanie Pearson, Krystina Keikionalani Cunningham, Edward Hsu, Ednee Yoshioka, Daniel McConnel, Heidi Choy, Chelsea Monroe, Caroline Olausen, Jamie Ota, Kristina Ramer, Karen Park, Renee Nagata, Lei Imaino-Hata, Clarence Carl Ducummon III.

Please congratulate our newest lifetime members: Richard Fujie, Patrick Ahana, Ted Cleghorn, Roger Kondo, Sharman Ellison, Tim Lau, Sterling Iwashita, and Thomas Lee.

Send us your updates to share with others! newsletter@hawaiivetmed.org

2016 Member Renewal Information

Thank you to those early adopters who have already signed up for an account at hawaiivetmed.org!

New this year, we will be managing your membership renewal seamlessly through our website. Once registered, you’ll be able to check your membership status, pay dues, and update your professional and contact information.

Plus you’ll have access to these member-exclusive features:

  • Create classified and help-wanted ads for public viewing

  • List your clinic under our public “Find a Vet” feature (practice owners only)

  • Read past newsletters (starting with this edition)

  • Access Executive Board meeting notes and future meeting dates

  • Find and contact your island delegate(s)

  • Research the HVMA by-laws

  • Access the relief vet list

The website also features important news, resources for veterinarians and pet owners, and rabies quarantine information (easier than navigating the government website!). If you have associates moving to Hawaii to join your practice, we also have a comprehensive page outlining the steps to getting licensed and accredited in Hawaii.

This first year, we are asking everyone to fill out the complete registration form (similar to the form you filled out when you first signed up) so that we have up-to-date information. This should take about fifteen minutes.

If you have already created an account, you can go ahead and log in, then go to “My Membership” to pay your dues and fill out your member profile.

We greatly appreciate your time! This should make the renewal process very simple in future years!

Leaders Wanted!

If you have been looking to get involved in organized veterinary medicine, or just want to find out more, you will have the chance to let us know during registration. We have many opportunities, whatever your interests, talents, and available time may be. Join a committee, help us with web development and social media outreach, or come lend a hand at an event.

If you have suggestions or ideas for making our online resources even better, or are having any difficulties getting connected, send an email to webmaster@hawaiivetmed.org.