2025 Legislative Update

The 2025 Hawaii legislative session is in full swing. Here are some bills HVMA is keeping tabs on this session:

  • HB456 / SB962 Relating to Raw Milk – HVMA opposes
  • HB544 / SB1026 Relating to Pet Insurance – HVMA supports
  • HB1427 / SB1591 Relating to Avian Influenza – HVMA supports
  • SB493 Relating to Veterinarians – HVMA opposes (due to workforce development fee on vet license renewals and logistical challenges of developing new program/fund)
  • SB1021 / HB49 Relating to Wildlife – HVMA opposes
  • SB874 Relating to Veterinary Medicine – HVMA would submit comments that AVMA Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics already requires vets to provide written prescriptions upon request. Would prefer to include language specifying that posting signage in the lobby to inform the client of their right to request a written prescription is sufficient.

Keep an eye out as we may call on you to submit testimony on these bills as hearings arise, particularly SB874.

Hawaii State Board of Veterinary Medicine Updates

New temporary permits are now in effect!

The Hawaii Board of Veterinary Medicine has recently increased its bank of test questions, and has reduce the waiting period to retest following a failed attempt to pass the Hawaii state veterinary examination from 90 days to 60 days. While the HVMA had petitioned for a shorter (30 day) waiting period, we are grateful for this small improvement.

In upcoming legislative sessions, the HVMA will be looking into revising the veterinary practice law to allow temporary permittees to continue practicing veterinary medicine during this waiting period following a failed attempt to pass the State veterinary examination.

Currently, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”) section 471-8(c)(5), titled “Examinations; qualifications of applicants” states in relevant part:
“(c)(5) The temporary permit shall be valid until the results of the Hawaii state board examination taken by the permittee are known; provided, that failure of the Hawaii state board exam, the National Board Examination, or Clinical Competency Test shall immediately terminate the temporary permit;”

If you have suggestions or inquiries regarding licensure or regulation of veterinary medicine in Hawaii, please contact the Hawaii State Board of Veterinary Medicine at veterinary@dcca.hawaii.gov or (808) 586-2705.

2024 Hawaii Legislative Update

The 2024 legislative session is up and running! Several introduced bills may have direct impacts on veterinary practice in Hawaii. Here are the bills we are watching:

  • HB2086 / SB2749 RELATING TO HEALTH. Requires the administrator of the narcotics enforcement administration to make an emergency scheduling by placing xylazine into schedule III on an emergency basis. [HVMA working to include a veterinary use exemption]
  • HB1527 / SB2562 RELATING TO VETERINARY MEDICINE. Prohibits animal owners and their employees from performing any surgical procedures on the owner’s animal or animals. Prohibits the elastration, or castration via banding, of a pet animal. Provides that a violation of the prohibitions is a class C felony. Clarifies that the offense of cruelty to animals in the first degree does not apply to accepted veterinary practices and cropping or docking as customarily practiced when the procedures are performed by a licensed veterinarian.
  • HB1580 RELATING TO ANIMAL CRUELTY. Amends the criminal penalties for various animal cruelty offenses by increasing the category of offense
  • SB2114 RELATING TO FERAL ANIMALS. Prohibits the feeding of feral animals within a certain distance from Department of Education public school campuses; establishes fines
  • SB2564 RELATING TO PET ANIMALS. Prohibits insurers from refusing to issue, refusing to renew, canceling, or establishing higher rates for a homeowners insurance policy or dwelling fire insurance policy based on the breed of any dog that is kept on the premises. Requires any pet animal found on the premises during an eviction to be given to the owner or taken in by an animal control agency. Limits the monetary amount of pet deposits and pet rent. Clarifies that a provision allowing a lien on an animal to secure payment for caring for or feeding the animal does not apply to pet animals.
  • SB2692 RELATING TO DANGEROUS DOGS. Establishes requirements and penalties for owners of dangerous dogs. Allows for impounding of dangerous dogs under certain conditions. 

Please keep an eye out for calls to submit testimony on these bills in the near future. We will send out an alert once any of the bills that may impact veterinary practice are scheduled for a hearing. At that time testimony may be submitted online at https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/.

Combat illegal xylazine while protecting veterinary access

Xylazine is an important animal sedative used to facilitate the safe handling and treatment of many species. Recently, illicit xylazine is increasingly showing up in street drugs as traffickers have begun mixing xylazine with fentanyl and other narcotics. Collaborative efforts among congressional offices, the AVMA, stakeholders, and federal agencies to address the complexities of the xylazine issue led to the introduction of the Combating Illicit Xylazine Act (H.R. 1839/S. 993) – an AVMA-supported, bipartisan bill that would provide harsher penalties for trafficking illicit xylazine while maintaining current veterinary access to this important animal sedative. Please join the veterinary community and urge your members of Congress to support the Combating Illicit Xylazine Act through the AVMA’s Congressional Advocacy Network.

LINK: https://avmacan.avma.org/campaign/46288/

One Health Month

Governor Green has declared January 2023 as Hawai’i One Health Month! #OneHealth represents the intersection of human health, animal health, and environmental health, and helps us address complex health problems in Hawaii and beyond. See the proclamation here.

Awareness of the One Health approach helps to inform our decision-making, particularly for policy makers and leaders seeking to comprehensively address current issues such as climate change and emerging infectious diseases like COVID-19 or avian influenza. Thinking about how human health is inextricably related to animal health and environmental health also informs our individual everyday decisions: our food choices, the products we buy, appropriate use of antibiotics or other medications, how we care for the native species and habitats we live near, etc.

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is a recent example of a zoonotic disease that can pass from humans to animals and vice versa, causing illness and death in multiple species. The more humans encroach on wild habitats and interact with non-domesticated animal species, the more opportunities there are for viruses or other infectious organisms to spread and mutate into forms that can cause global pandemics. But zoonotic disease spread is just one example of the interplay between human, animal, and environmental health. Other important examples include how the use of pesticides has decimated bee populations, which in turn decreased pollination, crop yields, and human food supply; or how medication prescribed in human and veterinary medicine can pass through their patients to enter the environment and cause developmental deformities in wildlife and drug-resistant infections; or how lead shot used in hunting has resulted in lead toxicity in scavenging animals such as birds of prey and humans alike.

One Health concepts have been a part of many veterinary curricula and may seem obvious to veterinarians, but many of our colleagues in other health and science disciplines were not trained to think outside of their specific fields. Keep the One Health perspective in mind, and encourage others to do the same!

Read more from the AVMA on One Health

ByLaws Amendment Proposal

The ByLaws Committee has proposed a change to Article 1, Section 1, regarding Active Members. This section currently reads:

Section 1.  Active Members. An Active Member shall be a graduate of a college or school of veterinary medicine accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association and shall reside in the State of Hawaii.

To align with current Hawaii veterinary licensing requirements of the Hawaii Board of Veterinary Medicine (recently updated with the passage of SB2798 CD 1 in 2022), the proposal is to change Article 1, Section 1 to read:

Section 1. Active Members. An Active Member shall be a graduate of a veterinary college meeting all the standards established by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education or a foreign college of veterinary medicine who has successfully completed the requirements established by the American Veterinary Medical Association Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates or the American Association of Veterinary State Boards Program for the Assessment of
Veterinary Education Equivalence, and shall reside in the State of Hawaii.

The ByLaws amendment will be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting on Nov 12, 2022.

2022 Legislative Update – SB2798

SB2798 was signed into law by the governor in June. This bill amends the veterinary practice law in Hawaii to better define the practice and parameters of veterinary medicine and veterinary telemedicine to protect consumers and their pets from inadequate, improper, or unlicensed veterinary care.  This bill also helps to address the shortage of licensed veterinarians in Hawaii by allowing the temporary permitting of out-of-state veterinarians, providing for international veterinary school graduates to qualify for licensure examination in Hawaii, and extending the amount of time that out-of-state veterinarians may practice in Hawaii while awaiting their licensing exam date. The HVMA is grateful for support from the American Veterinary Medical Association and across the state from multiple organizations, legislators, and individual citizens to help push this bill across the finish line. 

SB 2798 Hearing Notice 2/23/2022 – Testimony Needed

SB 2798 will be heard on Wednesday February 23, 2022 at 9:30am by the Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection via videoconference. Please submit written testimony in support of this bill which will amend Chapter 471, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to better define the practice and parameters of veterinary medicine and veterinary telemedicine to protect Hawaii consumers and their pets from inadequate, improper, or unlicensed veterinary care. In addition, to address the current shortage of licensed veterinarians in Hawaii, this bill will also provide for the temporary permitting of out-of-state veterinarians and ensure international veterinary school graduates of both AVMA Council on Education and AAVSB approved programs are able to qualify for licensure examination in Hawaii. For more background on this bill, see this post.

Updated HI State Laws Related to Animals

The following are law changes passed in 2021:

New: Animal sexual assault https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol14_Ch0701-0853/HRS0711/HRS_0711-1109_0008.htm

Amended: Tethering https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol14_Ch0701-0853/HRS0711/HRS_0711-1109.htm

New: Veterinary emergency care https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol10_Ch0436-0474/HRS0471/HRS_0471-0017.htm

New: Veterinary mandatory reporting https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol10_Ch0436-0474/HRS0471/HRS_0471-0018.htm

Microchipping, statewide:
Amended: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol03_Ch0121-0200D/HRS0143/HRS_0143-0002.htm
New: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol03_Ch0121-0200D/HRS0143/HRS_0143-0002_0002.htm

Upcoming free training on the role of veterinarians in identifying animal abuse:

Tuesday, May 3rd, 10:00-11:15am HST
https://www.justiceclearinghouse.com/webinar/the-forgotten-partner-in-responding-to-animal-abuse-the-veterinarian/ (registration required)

HB 1598 Hearing Notice 2/8/2022 – Testimony Needed!

HB 1598 will be heard on Tuesday February 8, 2022 at 2pm by the House Committee on Consumer Protection and Commerce via videoconference. Please submit written testimony in support of this bill which will amend Chapter 471, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to better define the practice and parameters of veterinary medicine and veterinary telemedicine to protect Hawaii consumers and their pets from inadequate, improper, or unlicensed veterinary care. In addition, to address the current shortage of licensed veterinarians in Hawaii, this bill will also provide for the temporary permitting of out-of-state veterinarians and ensure international veterinary school graduates of both AVMA Council on Education and AAVSB approved programs are able to qualify for licensure examination in Hawaii. For more background on this bill, see this post.