Combat illegal xylazine while protecting veterinary access

Xylazine is an important animal sedative used to facilitate the safe handling and treatment of many species. Recently, illicit xylazine is increasingly showing up in street drugs as traffickers have begun mixing xylazine with fentanyl and other narcotics. Collaborative efforts among congressional offices, the AVMA, stakeholders, and federal agencies to address the complexities of the xylazine issue led to the introduction of the Combating Illicit Xylazine Act (H.R. 1839/S. 993) – an AVMA-supported, bipartisan bill that would provide harsher penalties for trafficking illicit xylazine while maintaining current veterinary access to this important animal sedative. Please join the veterinary community and urge your members of Congress to support the Combating Illicit Xylazine Act through the AVMA’s Congressional Advocacy Network.


AVMA Update – January 2023

Your AVMA continues to advocate for the profession and animal welfare issues. As always, the House of Delegates met during the 2023 Veterinary Leadership Conference in balmy Chicago. We had a busy agenda and lively discussion. Keep reading to discover important resources available to you, our members, and find out what we made progress on this January!

If you aren’t already a member, consider joining over 100,000 veterinarians and gain access to valuable benefits. Some recent highlights of what AVMA has been doing for YOU:

  • Be an industry leader in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Practices are encouraged to join Journey for Teams, an interactive program to educate and engage your workplace to make it a safer space for all. Get involved at

In the next newsletter we’ll take a deeper dive into what your AVMA has to offer. In the meantime, here are the updates from the winter meeting. 

Veterinary Information Forum topics:

Every meeting, members of the AVMA House of Delegates meet to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing our profession. AVMA members shared their thoughts on the following topics:

Utilization of credentialed veterinary technicians and the creation of a “mid-level practitioner” role: It is no secret that we are facing serious workforce shortages. What is the best way to reduce burnout and better meet increased demand for our services? This topic generated over 160 pages worth of responses from constituents! While some favor the creation of a “Veterinary Professional Assistant” who could diagnose, prognose, prescribe, recommend treatment plans, and perform minor surgery, most members feel we are still underutilizing the skills of credentialed veterinary technicians and the focus should be there first. Creating a new position within the profession presents some significant challenges including:

  • The need to develop educational programs to train these individuals. Accredited institutions are already having trouble filling teaching positions for veterinary and veterinary technician programs
  • The need for changes to be made in federal laws and regulations as well as those in all 50 states

In short, implementing such a solution will be costly and could not be deployed in time to address the immediate workforce shortage. 

We also had a lively discussion regarding workplace culture and how to improve quality of life for veterinary team members. A recurring theme was the need for leaders to set an example and demonstrate that it’s OK to ask for help. Practical suggestions included the use of Employee Assistance Programs (larger employers and some state VMAs already offer these as a member benefit) or providing access to free counseling to struggling veterinary professionals. There are many relevant AVMA resources available, including the Workplace Wellbeing Certificate program, the Brave Space Certificate program, the Train the Trainer program and Journey for Teams (diversity, equity, and inclusion training for your workplace). These resources are available to members at Watch for more details about these programs in the next newsletter. 

AVMA business and policy actions:

Several resolutions came before the House for a vote, touching on a variety of topics ranging from policy on dog bite prevention, service animals, horse racing, responsible breeding, dehorning and castration of cattle. Most were housekeeping and minor updates to existing AVMA policies. 

Of interest was a new policy on so-called “bush track racing,” or unregulated horse racing, which presents grave animal welfare and public safety threats. Bush tracks operate with no veterinary oversight. Practices include the use of stimulants, electric shock and other abuses. Bush track operations have been linked to outbreaks of piroplasmosis (via use of contaminated needles to inject performance enhancing drugs) and equine infectious anemia. The HOD passed a resolution condemning unregulated horse racing. This is hopefully a first step in creating pressure to make unlicensed horse racing illegal. You can learn more about this issue at

With aloha,
Carolyn Naun, Hawaii Delegate
Jenee Odani, Hawaii Alternate Delegate

AVMA House of Delegates Report

AVMA House of Delegates (HOD) Summer Session: July 28-29, 2022 Philadelphia

Aloha mai kakou! (Greetings to all of you!) I share with you the topics of discussion during the meeting of the AVMA House of Delegates:

Resolution 6 – New policy on use of prescription drugs in veterinary medicine.
Resolution 7 – New policy on adverse event reporting
Resolution 8 – Revised policy on genetic modification of animals in agriculture
Resolution 9 – Revised policy on approval and availability of antimicrobials for use in food-producing animals
Resolution 10 – Revised policy on raw milk
All resolutions were passed by the AVMA House of Delegates.

HOD’s Veterinary Information Forum was devoted to the topics of:
1) Updates to the AVMA Model Veterinary Practice Act— including updates related to license portability, veterinary technicians, and telehealth.

Ahead of the HOD meeting, most of the comments from AVMA members about updating the AVMA Model Veterinary Practice Act were to support the idea of providing license portability from state to state. Regarding veterinary technicians, Veterinarians are pushing to define the duties of certified veterinary technicians versus noncertified veterinarians in the practice act. Pertaining to telehealth, an emphasis in the model practice act for the requirement of an in-person examination to establish a veterinarian-client-patient relationship before initiating telehealth.

2) The responsibility to provide emergency care

The reference committee that discussed the responsibility to provide emergency care suggested the following points for the Council on Veterinary Service to consider while reviewing the Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics.
• Define “emergencies.” Is this meant to refer to immediate life-threatening situations and situations in which the animal is in intractable pain and suffering?
• Address payment.
• Add wording regarding whether providing the emergency care is prudent, with considerations to include the following:
◦ The number and skill level of available staff members. 
◦ Available equipment.
◦ Working conditions that are safe for veterinary team personnel.
◦ Sufficient knowledge of the species.
◦ Geography or location of the emergency, particularly for large animal or mobile practices.

◦ Whether a veterinarian-client-patient relationship has been established. In other words, is it an established client and patient?
• Clarify that euthanasia is acceptable to prevent intractable pain and suffering even if a client is not identified, for example, an animal brought in by animal control or other government agency.

Dr. Lori Teller assumed the presidency of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) with a pledge to strengthen the profession through collaboration and a focus on wellbeing.

AVMA President-elect 2022-2023: Dr. Rena Carlson
AVMA Board Chair 2022-2023: Ronald E. Gill
AVMA Vice President 2022-2024: Jennifer Quammen
House Advisory Committee: Libby Todd (Alabama), Diana Thome
(Washington) and Stuart Brown (AAEP)

Elections for 2023-2024
Three individuals have announced their candidacy for 2023-24 AVMA
president-elect; they will campaign for one year, with the election in Summer 2023:
Sandra Faeh Butler (past AVMA Vice-President)
Arnie Goldman (current AVMA Treasurer)
Bob Murtaugh

The AVMA is co-launching a multiyear educational initiative to help veterinary workplaces become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. The upcoming Journey for Teams program is under development by the AVMA and the Veterinary Medical Association Executives. Details were provided in an announcement event July 30 at AVMA Convention 2022 in Philadelphia, and program content will be released in stages beginning this fall. There will be webinars and booklets that will help your team with improving diversity in your workplace.  All resources can be found at .

FDA finalized and published Guidance for Industry (GFI)  #256 which describes the agency’s approach to situations where veterinarians need access to unapproved drugs compounded from bulk drug substances (BDS) to provide appropriate care for the medical needs of the diverse species they treat when no  FDA-approved  (including  conditionally approved ) or  indexed drug  can be used to treat the animal. This means FDA is granting use of drugs compounding from FDA-approved animal and human bulk drug substances list. The good news is it places few restrictions on patient-specific prescriptions for nonfood-producing species. There is a call for nominations to attempt to get bulk drug substances (BDS) on the FDA list for use. Consult the Appendix of GFI #256 for needed information and submit our request for AVMA assistance to .

Although the political world appears to be polarized, the AVMA remains non-partisan.  The AVMA builds relationship with those individuals in congress that want to work with AVMA on veterinary issues such as: Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP), Improve Loan Options for Veterinarians, Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act (H.R. 5441/S. 2295), and the Healthy Dog Importation Act.

Just announced:
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture within the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Aug. 31 that it had awarded $3.2 million in grants to support rural veterinary services though the Veterinary Services Grant Program. The AVMA was instrumental in pushing Congress to create and fund the program, which was authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill. The first grants were announced in 2016.

The AVMA Political Action Committee (AVMA PAC) helps veterinarians build relationships with lawmakers, amplifying the AVMA’s voice in policy discussions on Capitol Hill. The AVMA Political Action Committee has grown 30% over this time last year and a new goal is $400k by the end of 2022.  Membership support is so important. PAC funds are distributed on a non-partisan basis focused on veterinary issues and therefore allows AVMA access to both sides of the political aisle.

• Receipts to-date: $85,865 (33% higher than 2021!)
• Portion of AVMA Members contributing in 2021-22: 2%
• 2022 Election Disbursements made: $86,500
• Funds available for new disbursements: $213,375

The American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) is the charitable arm of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), mission of the AVMF is to raise funds to improve animal health. The AVMF has raised over half a million dollars for Ukraine relief including supplies, care, food, etc. You can visit the website where you can find stories and heartbreaking images of what our colleagues are going through in this part of the world. New this year to the AVMF mission is education. There is an educational debt problem and workforce shortage, so AVMF plans to award $300,000 in scholarships for veterinary technicians.

Insurance and risk solutions for every stage of your career – providing new/better ways to help members at every step of the journey.

The AVMA Online Educator community has continued to grow. Individuals involved in academia and the education of the next generation of our colleagues are invited to join this online educator community. This is a place to exchange ideas, learn about AVMA resources that may make jobs easier, and discuss challenges and opportunities unique to the world of academia.

Veterinary Leadership Conference: Leadership in a New Era
January 5-7, 2023 Chicago, IL

AVMA Summer Convention
July 14-18, 2023 Denver, CO

…..and that’s a wrap!

Mahalo from your Hawaii AVMA Delegate – Leianne Lee Loy
and Hawaii AVMA Alt Delegate – Carolyn Naun

Please feel free to contact us on any of these topics or about the AVMA. It
has been an honor to represent Hawaii. Aloha!

AVMA Update Summer 2022

The AVMA House of Delegates (HOD) convened in Philadelphia on July 28-29 in conjunction with the annual convention. The House of Delegates are the principal body within the Association responsible for establishing policy and providing direction for matters relating to veterinary medicine and shall be the representative body of the Principal and Constituent Allied Veterinary Organizations of the Association. This is Hawaii’s opportunity to weigh in on upcoming policy updates and other topics relating to our profession.

On the agenda for this meeting:
●  Resolutions:
–  New policy on use of prescription drugs in Veterinary Medicine
– New policy on Adverse Event Reporting
– Revised policy on genetic modification of animals in agriculture
– Revised policy on the approval and availability of antimicrobials for use in food-producing animals
– Revised policy on raw milk

●  Elections:
–  President Elect Candidates: Drs Grace Bransford and Rena Carlson-Lammers
–  Vice-President Candidate: Dr. Jennifer Quammen
–  Other: Councils, House Advisory Committee

●  Veterinary Information Forum: at each semi-annual meeting, HOD members seek your input on current issues in the profession and bring your thoughts to the House Floor for discussion. The debate is sometimes quite lively with diverse perspectives brought to the table. Often the VIF is the birthplace of new AVMA policies, programs, and initiatives. Thank you to our colleagues who have contributed to the discussion. Topics on the docket for the summer 2022 meeting are: (we have included a comment from our colleagues and look forward to hearing from you too.)
○  Needed Updates to the Model Veterinary Practice Act (MVPA). We are seeking feedback on whether the MVPA language might be revised to better support license portability; whether the MVPA should provide more detail around the roles and supervision of veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants; and provide more guidance around the practice of veterinary telehealth, including telemedicine.

○  Comment: License portability would be the biggest help in my area, which has a serious lack of veterinarians. It is expensive to live in Hawaii so it is difficult to get vets to commit to owning a practice here. Telemedicine would be helpful as well, especially for some emergency services, since we have no emergency clinics on our island and the existing practices are functioning at beyond capacity already. We need help here!

○  Responsibility to Provide Emergency Care. What is the ethical responsibility to provide essential services for animals when necessary to save life or relieve suffering? When not available, what should our responsibility be to provide readily accessible information to assist clients in obtaining emergency services? How do these obligations fit with maintaining a sustainable work-life balance and protecting the safety of our workforce?

○  Comment (partial): I think providing emergency care for your patients is important. Providing emergency care for all animals regardless of whether they have ever been to a veterinarian or not or whether they have an ability to pay or not seems to be an unfair burden for the veterinarian. The vast majority of emergency cases are the result of owners not taking proper care of their pets. Where I live veterinarians don’t answer their phones after hours to avoid taking care of emergencies when with a cell phone and call forwarding it is easy to answer the phone. We are on an island so there is no driving to an emergency clinic elsewhere. There are none. People want pets but don’t want to take good care of them in a manner that would avoid emergencies. Most emergencies are avoidable or could be handled in regular hours. We have enough trouble taking care of those who have been willing to try to care for their animals.

Please feel free to share your thoughts by contacting Leianne Lee Loy and Carolyn Naun.

Highlights of recent AVMA activities

AVMA Annual report
●  AVMF has funneled over $500,000 to relief efforts in Ukraine. Funds are being directed to groups working on the ground to help people and animals affected by the crisis. Read more.

●  The annual AVMA Legislative Fly-In brings veterinary professionals from across the country together with their members of congress to discuss matters important to our profession. It also provides us with the opportunity to position ourselves as nonpartisan experts on animal related matters within their constituencies. This year’s fly-in was, once again, virtual and involved 200 of our colleagues across 49 states. Dr. Jenee Odani and Dr. Carolyn Naun met with the offices of Senators Hirono and Schatz and Representative Kahele, and directly with Representative Case and asked them to cosponsor or support the following pieces of legislation:
○  The Healthy Dog Importation Act would require all dogs entering the US to be accompanied by a health certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian and to create a database of this information to enable disease tracking and increase biosecurity.

○  The Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program Enhancement Act would make the awards non-taxable, thus freeing up additional funds and allowing more positions in USDA designated shortage areas to be filled.

Veterinarians press lawmakers on rural veterinary shortages, dog importation

●  AVMA has created free printable resources for members to quickly reference antibiotic prescription recommendations. Two are handouts that can be given to cat and dog owners or printed as posters, and two are white sheets for practitioners, one for cats and one for dogs, both broken down by location of infection and/or disease. Read more and access the downloads (AVMA members only) here: When do cats and dogs need antibiotics?

Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to continue to represent your voices!

Leianne Lee Loy (Delegate – Hawaii)
Carolyn Naun (Alternate Delegate – Hawaii)

AVMA Winter House of Delegates

AVMA House of Delegates Report Jan 2022

Over the last year and a half, the Veterinary Profession has been faced with many new struggles and challenges. The Veterinary profession has had to adapt to a changing professional environment and increase in our  workload. We have had to be innovative, resilient and creative to not only  survive – but to thrive.  

The American Veterinary Medical Association wanted to share this blog:  Start 2022 with a commitment to wellbeing to help you lead a positive and  bright 2022.  


The 2022 AVMA House of Delegates winter meeting was held in Chicago, Illinois from January 7-8. This meeting was held in conjunction with the AVMA Veterinary  Leadership Conference “Leadership in a new era”. The meeting included reports from the treasurer, AVMA staff, a message from the president, speeches by candidates for president-elect and vice president, and action items for Resolutions and the Veterinary Information Forum. 

The HOD meeting resulted in the following action items: 

Resolution 1 – Revised Policy on Rabies 
House of Delegates (HOD) voted for the resolution 

Resolution 2 – Revised Policy on Annual Rabies Vaccination Waiver
Your Reference Committee  HOD voted for the resolution

Resolution 3 – New Policy on Food Safety 
HOD voted for the resolution. 

Resolution 4 – New Policy on Supporting the Collection of Antimicrobial Use Data for  Antimicrobial Stewardship 
HOD voted for the resolution 

Resolution 5 – Revised Policy on Guidelines for Classifying Veterinary Facilities HOD refer the resolution to the Board of Directors for additional consideration

Mahalo to those of you who shared your story to the Veterinary Information  Forum topics. Here are the results to the House of Delegates Discussion:

VIF – License Portability 

Your Reference Committee recommends that the House request the Board of Directors  to further explore the issue of license portability, with consideration given to existing  policies and the possible need for additional policies, in collaboration with the state and  allied associations to further understand what issues need to be resolved and how to  best address them. 

VIF – Expanding AVMA Membership 

Your Reference Committee recommends that the House request the Board of Directors  to consider creating a pathway of communication with other veterinary healthcare team  organizations, starting with the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in  America, and the Veterinary Hospital Managers Association, to investigate how best to  work collaboratively to strengthen their organizations and professions as well as the  AVMA. 


JULY 29 – AUGUST 2, 2022

Registration opens spring 2022. 

Aloha and Mahalo!! 

Leianne K. Lee Loy – Hawaii Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates
Carolyn Naun – Hawaii Alternate Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates

COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Launch

On Monday, AVMA launched a targeted campaign to encourage members, the veterinary healthcare team, and clients to get vaccinated against COVID-19 if they are able. This campaign was encouraged by the CDC, as the agency recognizes the key role veterinarians play in society and public health. You may see campaign elements in your email, social media feeds, through advertising on websites that you visit, in your mailbox, or even on digital screens at various businesses.

As veterinarians, we understand the power of vaccines and are uniquely qualified to share their importance in preventing and controlling disease, and we have created a variety of materials for members to use in sharing this information in their practices and communities.  These include posters for practice lobbies and back office areas, client handouts, talking points for discussing the vaccine with clients or the public, an FAQ about the vaccine itself, language you can use for on-hold messages or on appointment reminders and videos.  Many of the materials offer multiple versions featuring veterinarians interacting with various animal species, so that they are relevant to different audiences.  Physical campaign materials will be mailed the week of December 3rd to practices located within geographic areas that have been reported by the CDC to have lower vaccination rates. You are invited to view to view and download any of these materials.

We fully understand that not every veterinarian will be comfortable discussing the COVID-19 vaccine, and that every encounter with a colleague or client simply isn’t going lend itself to a conversation about vaccination against COVID-19.  The resource materials are intended to make that conversation easier for those who are comfortable and do want to take the opportunity to discuss it with their colleagues and clients.

Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Thank you,

Dr. Gail Golab
Chief Veterinary Officer

Angela Roberts
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

American Veterinary Medical Association

Veterinary Leadership Conference 2022

The AVMA’s Veterinary Leadership Conference is for veterinary professionals at every career stage who are interested in deepening their engagement with AVMA and other veterinary organizations. Leaders of all types are welcome to register:

Rising Leaders:
Attendees with a desire to get involved with veterinary organizations, and little or no prior leadership experience

Experienced Leaders:
Attendees with prior experience as volunteer leaders who want deeper engagement and opportunities to develop new skills

Presiding Leaders:
Attendees who have served as chair or president of a volunteer body, or as CEO or executive director, and want to perfect their leadership skills

The HVMA is willing to sponsor a member to attend the VLC. If you are interested, please contact us with your CV and personal statement by November 22, 2021.

Suicide Prevention Training

Veterinary medicine is a community, and a community supports its members. For that reason, the AVMA is offering free training in suicide prevention to all veterinary professionals. QPR gatekeeper training — short for “question, persuade, refer” — teaches people without professional mental health backgrounds to recognize the signs that someone may be considering suicide, establish a dialogue and guide the person to seek professional help.

Veterinarians, veterinary students, technicians, assistants, practice managers and all other veterinary professionals are now eligible to take this free online training.

Access training resources here

News from the AVMA

Article of Interest in JAVMA Sept. 15th:

“Are we in a veterinary workforce crisis?” Understanding our reality can guide us to a solution. This commentary written by AVMA Chief Economist, Matthew Salois and AVMA Chief Veterinary Officer, Gail Golab addresses the Veterinary practitioners feeling like there are not enough hours in the day – a consequence of “pandemic pets” and shortage of veterinarians. The article highlights the data and the steps that can help navigate the challenges affecting our profession.

Volunteer Opportunities at the AVMA

The American Veterinary Medical Association invites you to explore the Committee and Council positions available this year and in 2022. Please visit the Volunteer Opportunities section of the AVMA website to learn more. Nominations for currently vacant positions are being accepted on an ongoing basis until those positions are filled. For positions expiring in August 2022, the deadline to submit nominations for Committee positions is March 31, 2022, and the deadline to submit nominations for Council positions is May 1, 2022.
· All Committee nominations must include the Nomination Form and a 1-2 page resume.
· For Councils, a nomination is considered complete when each of the following has been received: Nomination Form, Campaign Guide document, photo and 2-minute video.
Please submit all nominations via email to If you have a question or would like to learn more about a specific entity, please contact or 847-285-6605. I hope you will consider applying for these volunteer positions!

Calling all leaders – Rising leaders, Experienced leaders and Presiding Leaders

The Veterinary Leadership Conference (VLC) is the veterinary profession’s premier conference for leadership development. You will have the opportunity to attend CE sessions, AVMA governance meetings, and networking with colleagues to expand and develop your leadership skills. Join us, for VLC January 6-9, 2022, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile. A select amount of education sessions will also be available virtually.

State Advocacy Committee (SAC)

As a member of this Committee, I can tell you that the AVMA is working hard on many topics essential to Veterinary Medicine. I have included a summary provided by the Government Relations Division here, to keep you updated on Congressional Bills. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you would like to discuss.

Leianne K. Lee Loy
House of Delegate Representative from Hawaii and Member of SAC

Planning for 2022 – The AVMA Conference

July 29, 2022 – August 2, 2022

AVMA Summer House of Delegates

The AVMA House of Delegates Meeting was held the last week of July. This meeting was in a hybrid format – attending live in Chicago or virtually. The agenda items included Resolutions, AVMA officer elections and House of Delegates Elections.

Highlights of elections:
Dr. Lori Teller from Texas, AVMA President-Elect
The AVMA Officers are now:
Dr. Jose Arce from Puerto Rico, President
Dr. Karen Bradley of Vermont, Board of Directors Chair
House Advisory Elections:
Dr. Rex Anderson of Montana, re-elected to the House Advisory
Committee (HAC), and then elected HAC Chair.
Future Elections:
Dr. Rena Carlson from Idaho and Dr. Grace Bransford from California
announced candidacies for the 2022-2023 President-Elect position
Dr. Jennifer Quammen of Kentucky announced her candidacy for the
position of 2022-2024 Vice President.

AVMA’s Veterinary Information Forum (VIF)
Topics presented by delegates/alternate delegates to address topics of concern in the profession, feedback and action items. This years topics were: “HOD Delegates as AVMA Brand Advocates: How to Best Communicate AVMA Member Value to our Constituents” and “Economic Dynamics in the U.S. Veterinary Workforce.”
Here is a summary of the VIF topics:
• How delegates can best communicate with their constituents – the HOD approved a resolution calling for the HOD’s House Advisory Committee to form a working group to explore and define delegates’ role as AVMA ambassadors in promoting AVMA member value, reporting back to the HOD at the next meeting (Resolution 15).
• Economic dynamics in the U.S. veterinary workforce – Your AVMA recognizes the economic, staffing, and morale challenges that currently exist in the U.S. veterinary workforce. Your AVMA is working on these problems and information will be available in JAVMA and the AVMA Veterinary Business and Economic Forum in October (Resolution 16)

The HOD also addressed the following Resolutions on the agenda for this meeting:
• Resolution 8 – Reclassifying Ventilation Shutdown Methods as Not Recommended: The HOD voted to refer the resolution to the AVMA Board of Directors for consideration by the AVMA Panel on Depopulation.
• Resolution 9 – Rules for Officer Election Campaigns: The HOD voted to adopt the resolution.
• Resolution 10 – Policy on Veterinary Compounding: The HOD voted to refer the resolution to the AVMA Board of Directors for further clarification by the AVMA Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents.
• Resolution 11 – Revised Policy on Use of Random-Source Dogs and Cats for Research, Testing, and Education: The HOD voted to adopt the resolution.
• Resolution 12 – Revised Policy on Veterinary Foresight and Expertise in Antimicrobial Discussions: The HOD voted to adopt the resolution.
• Resolution 13 – Revised Policy on Notification to the Veterinarian of Violative Residues in Foods of Animal Origin: The HOD voted to adopt the resolution.
• Resolution 14 – Policy on Use of Prescription Drugs in Veterinary Medicine: The HOD voted to refer the resolution to the AVMA Board of Directors for referral to the AVMA Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents for further clarification.

Suicide Prevention and Mental Health

Delve into the latest research on suicide and its causes in this conversation on veterinary mental health with experts from the AVMA and the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC). Learn strategies to promote mental health, prevent suicide, and intervene in a mental health crisis. Come away knowing individual and community risk and protective factors, get guidance on mental health crisis warning signs, and learn how to get help for someone in crisis – vital steps in building healthy communities and supporting our colleagues and peers. A culture of caring offers help and hope to its members—and we all can play a role in building that community.
View webinar here